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Chemicals In Food

Chemicals In Food

Most Common Chemicals in Food:


Non-organic fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and grains can be contaminated with pesticides. Pesticides are toxic as they are designed to kill things. Studies show that infants and children are at high risk for future cancers because of their exposure to pesticides. The EWG’s list of the fruits and veggies that had the worst overall pesticide scores:

  • apples

  • celery

  • strawberries

  • peaches

  • spinach

  • nectarines (imported)

  • grapes (imported)

  • bell peppers

  • potatoes

  • blueberries (domestic)

  • lettuce

  • kale/collard greens

Artificial Colors:

Citrus Red 2, Red 3, Red 40, Yellow 5 Yellow 6, Blue 1, Blue 2, and Green 3 are some of the most commonly used artificial food colorings. They have all been identified as being, or being contaminated with, potential cancer-causing chemicals, according to the Center for Science. Blue 1, Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6 are known to cause reactions in those with allergies.

Non Stick Coatings

In just 2-5 minutes on a conventional stove top, cookware coated with Teflon and other non stick surfaces can exceed temperatures at which the coating breaks apart and emits toxic particles and gases has been linked to hundreds, if not thousands, of pet bird deaths and an unknown number of human illnesses each year. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is the chemical used to bond the nonstick coating to the pan has been shown to cause cancer, low birth weight and a suppressed immune system in laboratory animals exposed to high doses.

MSG (Monosodium Glutamate):

MSG is also known as sodium glutamate and it has been used for more than 100 years to season food. Commonly used in Chinese food canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. Too much MSG can lead to:

  • headaches

  • tightness in the chest

  • a burning sensation in the forearms and back of the neck

  • sweating

  • facial pressure or tightness

  • numbness, tingling, or burning in the face

  • chest pain

  • nausea

  • weakness

Flame Retardants:

In a recent study of best-selling grocery store products, researchers discovered that almost 50% of the samples peanut butter, deli meats, turkey, beef, and other fatty foods contained hints of a flame retardant normally utilized in the foam insulation of building walls. The most heavily contaminated is butter, followed by canned sardines. Studies link low levels of flame retardant to adverse effect on: memory and learning, endocrine disruption, and sperm count in adults.

Nitrate & Nitrite:

Nitrate & nitrite are close chemicals used to preserve meat and have long been suspected of causing stomach cancer. There has been some controversy in regards to the health dangers of nitrites, but most of us are exposed to them in the foods we eat like deli meat, sausage, hot dogs and cured bacon as preservatives and color enhancers.

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes are found in a variety of our food and beverages today. Marketed as “sugar-free” or “diet” they are commonly found in:

  • soft drinks

  • chewing gum

  • jellies

  • baked goods

  • candy

  • fruit juice

  • ice cream

  • yogurt

  • chewing gum

  • instant coffee and tea

  • gelatin deserts & puddings

  • non dairy creamers

Tests show these additives may cause cancer in animals, which means it may increase cancer in humans. Artificial sweeteners are also linked to obesity, a risk of increased insulin resistance, high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome, a collection of symptoms that increase your risk of heart disease.



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